Rwanda Youth Music
The primary goal of Rwanda Youth Music is to train HIV+ Rwandan youth to become music workshop leaders in ongoing weekly programs run by WE-ACTx for hundreds of HIV+ children in Kigali. This strategy will build local capacity so that skills remain embedded in the region – and the music continues to sound – after the initial project ends.
The content and structure of Rwanda Youth Music will be based on Musicians without Borders’ Music Workshop Leaders module. The curriculum and schedule will be modified to address local needs, to include cultural and musical traditions, and to incorporate voice training and song-writing classes co-led by local Rwandan musicians.
Rwanda Youth Music will:
- Deliver a 100-hour training program for 15 youth (“peer parents”) to become music workshop leaders, building local capacity;
- Deliver, through peer parents, weekly music workshops for more than 300 children, integrated into WE-ACTx’s children support programs, strengthening and supporting the children’s physical, emotional and social development;
- Deliver voice training and song-writing workshop training for 15 peer parents and 100 children integrated into WE-ACTx’s children support programs, increasing the children’s self-esteem and confidence;
- Deliver, through peer parents and MwB trainers, Family Music Workshops every 6-8 weeks where children will teach their families what they have learned in the music and song-writing workshops, building family bonding and re-establishing trust;
- Promote community involvement and social awareness by strengthening the role of the youth leaders as part of a group engaged in social awareness (Youth Ending Stigma, see below);
- Support local Rwandan music-making traditions by recruiting local musicians to lead voice training, drumming circles, and song-writing classes, and to accompany recording sessions;
- Record the children’s songs, including production of a CD by local technicians in a recording studio, with a CD going to each participant; and
- Establish a basis for extending the project in coming years in Rwanda and neighboring countries.