Swakopmund Museum


The Swakopmund Museum was founded by Dr. Alfons Weber in 1951. Ever since its inception, its objectives have been to encourage informal education, to stimulate interest in the sciences and to preserve historically valuable items for future generations. Located in rebuilt building of the Imperial Customs House (Kaiserliches Hauptzollampt) erected in the beginning of the century, the museum has an interesting collection of relics of wooden ships that came ashore on the Skeleton Coast. It features the fascinating culture of Namibian indigenous people shown by a collection of original musical instruments, wood carvings, weapons and domestic utensils.

There is an original ox- wagon, which operated between Grootfontein and Angola some hundred years ago that is exhibited thus emphasizing the importance of transport to pioneers. Also to be viewed at the museum are the carriage of the last German governor of the colonial era, a beautiful model of a dual locomotive, marine equipment, and the old beaming system of the Swakopmund lighthouse.

In 1950, the Swakopmund Municipality initiated a competition to add an attraction to the coastal town and Dr. Weber won it with an idea to establish a museum. Special exhibitions are often on display and are a further attraction for local and foreign visitors. The museum is located on the beach front next to lighthouse and Strand hotel.

Museum opening times: daily, including Sundays: 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00.

NASwakopmund, Namibia


Swakopmund Museum
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 22 Oct 2015