TuneDem Band


'TuneDem' is a christian reggae band registered by the government of Kenya under the Ministry of Heritage and Culture and that is out to reach young people through inspired music and other relevant evangelical activities.

The word 'Tunedem' is derived from the words tune them. This is a prayer to God asking Him to tune our listeners who live in the world without truth (Jesus), to the same spirit we minister in.

Charles Kepha the band's visionary got born again in the year 2002, by then having very little knowledge in music as a career and talent.

All the way from primary school he admired reggae as a music fraternity and even more when one of his classmates would talk and sing with a native Jamaican accent, but he knew so little about it.
So all he could do was to hope and pray that one day he would be identified with the family.

As an answer for his musical prayers it never took him long before he began composing reggae tunes and rhymes (accent) whenever he sat down to do anything musical .Ultimately he was careful enough to owe this to God .While in high school Kepha also went to a part time music tutor, where he initially learned how to play the drums and later became a drummer. With extended interest in other musical instruments he also became a keyboardist and an acoustic guitarist.

Having served in a Christian youth ministry (youngsters for Christ team) for a long time as a vocalist, drummer, keyboardist he made good friends in the same ministry some of whom were his primary school mates. Having faced the challenges of ministering alone he prayed that God would give him a band to continue ministering effectively. Later
he recruited more members until the band got stabilized. All this took place from 2005.

The band decided to call itself 'Mo fire' literally meaning more fire derived from the competence of more united people.

Later the name was distorted and crowded by the arising secular groups. Then later a thought for the name 'Tunedem' to replace 'Mo fire' arose.

KENairobi, Kenya


Kepha Charles