Turquoise Harmony Institute


Turquoise Harmony Institute (THI) was established in 2006 as Interfaith Foundation of South Africa and was renamed in 2009. Since its establishment THI has been pursuing the goal of strengthening dialogue and tolerance among people who come from different backgrounds. We strongly believe that the future of humanity should be built on a culture of coexistence, dialogue and tolerance. Differences should be seen as a strength and that which can serve as multiple opportunities for building an inclusive world.

In this world everyone would feel at home and benefit from the bounties of God. This world has to be humanity’s lost paradise. Turquoise Harmony Institute aims to foster dialogue in the community by organizing and hosting various events. The Turquoise Harmony Institute’s philosophy and activities are rooted in the tradition of promoting love; and discourage against enmity. This form of tradition, along with an altruistic service to humanity, finds its unique place within the concept of Ubuntu.

The Turquoise Harmony Institute aims to use the culture of Ubuntu, to serve the South African people and the people of the world, by inviting them to come together; united in diversity. The Turquoise Harmony Institute’s mission is to build bridges and pathways between different cultures; wide enough to allow everyone to walk towards each other and embrace each another in complete harmony. The vision of the organizations is to enhance and develop social capital – by building personal relationships and networks in order to achieve mutual understanding. These relationships are fostered to enrich social good and promote a common understanding among South African communities and peoples. The Turquoise Harmony Institute aims to accomplish its vision by engaging with a variety of social and civic actors; and inviting those from different communities to generate and share insights – thus removing barriers and obstacles of difference; and build mutual understanding and trust instead.

Since its founding the Turquoise Harmony Institute has established centres in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg; developing infrastructure and networks to actively engage in seeking solutions for the various problems faced by society. The solutions offered by the Institute are coordinated by the activities and programs of its visionary volunteers and leadership.


In this nation of diverse cultural, language and religious traditions, Turquoise Harmony Institute seeks to celebrate unity and equality in this diversity through dialogue, understanding and tolerance by fostering common ties that bind us together as fellow travelers in this life. It also seeks common ground in this diversity and to ensure cooperation through dialogue and understanding in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.


THI envisage a world where people can come together and meet on the common ground of being human and foster common universal values, address common concerns that affect all of us. In such a world, no single people will claim absolute ownership of the Truth and regard diversity as God-given richness and bounty and celebrate each other’s differences. They believe that such an environment will be fertile, seeking truth will be prolific,...

ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 03 Jun 2019