University of Dar Es Salaam - Department of Fine and Performing Arts


After establishing the University of Dar es Salaam in 1961, the College of Arts and Social Sciences, formerly known as the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) was formed in 1964 following the Faculty of Law. It was transformed into a college (CASS) on 1st April 2009 as a result of the 1994 Institutional Transformation Programme (ITP) that was designed to spearhead transformation in the University organizational structure in order to correspond to local and global changes and challenges.

In November 2013, the Council of the University of Dar es Salaam approved the split of CASS into two colleges, namely the College of Social Sciences (CoSS) and the College of Humanities (CoHu).

The College of Humanities constitutes various departments, among them The Department of Fine and Performing Arts. The Department of Fine and Performing Arts was established in March 1975, known then as the Department of Arts, Music and Theatre. Following major changes in its curriculum in 1996, the Department changed its name to the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. The Department is divided into three sub-departments namely Fine Arts, Music and Theatre Arts.

Currently the Department offers four degree programs for undergraduate studies:
BA (Art and Design),
BA (Music),
BA (Film and Television) and
BA (Theater).

In addition, the Department offers MA and PhD Degrees for postgraduate studies. MA degrees are by course work plus dissertation while PhD degrees are by thesis.

TZDar es Salaam, Tanzania
In operation since: 


Deputy Vice Chancellor
Profile added by In-house East Africa on 19 Oct 2015