09 Feb 2024CISAC rallies support for private copying levy expansion in...An initiative by the West African Economic Monetary Union (UEMOA) to introduce private copying...Par Peter Choge
07 Feb 2024Luminate acquires artist identification service QuansicUS-based entertainment data and insights company Luminate has announced its acquisition of Quansic...Par In-house East Africa
02 Feb 2024UMG-TikTok saga spells trouble for African artistsWhen elephants go at it, it’s the grass that suffers. So goes the African proverb. Universal Music...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
26 jan 2024Kenya: MCSK promises era of openness and transparencyKenya’s largest and oldest collective management organisation (CMO), the Music Copyright Society of...Par In-house East Africa
23 jan 2024EU Parliament calls for overhaul of streaming industryMembers of the European Parliament (MEPs) have called for a major overhaul of the music streaming...Par In-house East Africa
16 jan 2024Kenya: MCSK criticised for low artist payoutsThe Music Copyright Society of Kenya (MCSK) is once again at the centre of a storm after announcing...Par Peter Choge
08 déc 2023SAMRO board confirms fraud, hands matter to police The Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) board of directors has alleged there were...Par Ano Shumba
26 oct 2023CISAC: Africa sees growth in music royalty collections but...The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has released its...Par Peter Choge
02 oct 2023How to collect music royalties through SAMPRAMusic royalties are a key revenue stream for music makers and record labels, and can often be the...Par Music In Africa...
07 aoû 2023Kenyan rapper Bamboo wins protracted copyright lawsuitKenyan media is reporting that pioneering Kenyan rapper Bamboo has been awarded Ksh4.5m ($32 000)...Par Peter Choge
31 juil 2023Kenya: KAMP responds to damning auditThe Kenya Association of Music Producers (KAMP) has addressed the findings of a forensic audit...Par Peter Choge
17 juil 2023SAMRO distributes R22 million in unclaimed royaltiesThe Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO) says it has successfully distributed R22m ($...Par Peter Choge