07 nov 2022Senegal to host 8th AFRIMAsThe African Union Commission (AUC), in partnership with the International Committee of the All...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
10 oct 2022AFRIMAs appoint Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard to international...The All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs) today announced the appointment of Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
30 sep 2022Makhtar Diop named AFRIMAs country director for SenegalThe All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs), in conjunction with the African Union Commission (AUC), has...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
15 sep 2022All Africa Music Awards 2022: All the nomineesThe nominees for this year’s All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs) have been announced ahead of the...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
16 juin 2022Call for entries: AFRIMAs 2022African music professionals from across the continent and diaspora can now submit entries for this...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
27 mai 2022AFRIMAs announce 2022 programmeThe African Union Commission (AUC), in partnership with the international committee of the All...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
21 oct 2021PwC named AFRIMAs auditorThe African Union Commission (AUC) and the international committee of the All Africa Music Awards (...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
23 sep 2021All Africa Music Awards 2021: All the nomineesThe All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs) have released the list of nominees ahead of the 2021 edition...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
24 aoû 2021AFRIMAs receive record number of entriesThe All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs) have received the highest number of entries since their...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
01 déc 20202020 AFRIMAs cancelledThe seventh annual All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMAs), which were initially slated for 2 to 6...Par Gabriel Myers Hansen
02 mar 2020 L'Union Africaine réaffirme son soutien aux AFRIMAsLa Commission de l'Union Africaine (UA) a affirmé son soutien et son enthousiasme à poursuivre son...Par Inhouse team
28 Feb 2020African Union affirms AFRIMAs supportThe African Union (AU) Commission has affirmed its continuous support and commitment to its...Par Bolaji Alonge