Gated Community Music Group
Gated Community (trading as Gated Community Music Group) is a South African-based, independent label with its own fully equipped recording studio. It has its own in-house producers so production is never outsourced. Rudi Alexander (better known by his stage alias Chizzy) is the owner and managing director of the record label. It currently consists of four main artists: Chizzy, Tara, Parry Picasso and G. Simmons.
The company started with a dream that Rudi Alexander had, which he turned into a goal. Gated Community Music Group is mainly based around the hip-hop, rap and pop genres. Their mission is to uplift the local talent in South Africa across all genres, be it hip-hop or jazz. The company has set its sights on the international market and is steadily on its way. All members on board have the same goal in mind, which makes Gated Community more than just a business or record label - it makes each member part of the family.