Bodega Live

Nestled in Lusaka's Kabulonga area lies BODEGA, a chic cafe blending jazz, Persian carpets, and captivating conversation. Here, Becky Chanteuse takes the stage, a musical sorceress who whisks you away from the humdrum into a realm only her melodies can unveil.

BODEGA's ambiance fades the world, leaving room only for the enchantment of Becky's performance. With her voice as the compass, she navigates emotions, conjuring a tapestry of feelings that cling to every note. The cafe transforms into a portal, where memories and melodies entwine, painting souls with vibrant hues.

Amidst the aroma of coffee and soft, muted lights, Becky's music becomes more than sound—it's an odyssey shared among strangers. United by her rhythms, the audience becomes a symphony of heartbeats.

Even as the final echoes surrender to silence, Becky's spell lingers. The melodies etch themselves into the very essence of those fortunate enough to listen. As you step back into Lusaka's streets, the memory remains—a reminder that amid the ordinary, magic awaits through the right harmonies.