Mandisi Dyantyis live on YouTube
South African artist Mandisi Dyantyis will perform his entire Cape Town International Jazz Festival (CTIJF) live on YouTube on 26 March at 8pm.
"We know that hundreds of you are really upset to be missing the Cape Town International Jazz Festival performance, and so are we," Mandisi Dyantyis said. "So, we have decided to perform the entire CTIJF set, for you and we will stream it libe on YouTube, so that you can watch it in your own home.
Tickets to the live stream are priced at R100 per household, and on the day. Viewers will receive a personalised streaming code via text message to give them access to concert. NB. Due to the Lockdown, this event will be on Thursday 26th March, 8pm and not Friday as previously advertised.