Call for applications: COVID-19 arts sector relief in Namibia
The National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN) is calling on Namibian artists, groups and arts organisations to apply for COVID-19 relief grants.
The call follows an announcement in June by Namibian Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Anna Nghipondoka, who said that N$5m ($300 000) would be made available for the sector.
To apply for the COVID-19 relief fund, individuals and organisations should download applications forms here and here.
No online applications will be accepted. Applicants will have to send their applications via courier service/post or hand-deliver to be following address:
Ministry of Education Building
Luther Street
Government Office Park
P.O. Box 149
Who can apply?
- Performers such as actors, dancers, musicians, choreographers, scriptwriters and composers.
- Visual artists.
- Designers.
- Crafters.
- Writers.
- Arts organisations.
- Arts training and workshop presenters.
- Arts promoters.
Application procedures
- Fill in the relevant NACN application form – sign and date the form.
- Submit a project proposal and detailed projected budget.
- Provide a CV with clear contact details.
- Provide proof of Namibian citizenship or Namibian registration of organisation.
- Provide contact details, including phone number and email address.
- Submit recommendation letter(s) (minimum of one).
- Show proof of work – include all relevant documents.
- Have proof of a bank account such as a cheque of account number.
- Register with NACN. For those in the regions, this can be done through the Regional Ministry of Education, the Department of Lifelong Learning's offices, and the NACN website.
Individuals/small groups
- Namibian citizenship.
- Artistic ability.
- Proof of work (portfolio with profile).
- Potential to be exemplary in the community.
- Motivation and desire to build a career in the arts.
- Registration with the NACN.
- Should be based in Namibia.
- Should be formally registered.
- Proven track record of involvement in local art activities.
- Recommendations (minimum of one)
- Registration with the NACN.
Click here and here for the application outline and guidelines.
View the original call here.
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