Call for applications: Fak'ugesi DigiIntermediaries Bootcamp
Fak'ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival and the Wits School of the Arts, with support from the German Society for International Cooperation and the Goethe Institutes in Nairobi and Dakar, are calling on individuals and organisations acting as intermediaries in the digital creative industries to apply for the DigiIntermediaries Bootcamp.
The boot camp is open to individuals and organisations in South Africa, Kenya and Senegal. It will be held in October and is aimed less at training and more at claiming and framing – finding ways to sustainably grow the digital creative industries in Africa and framing the roles, needs and ecosystem of intermediaries in the digital gaming and immersive media sectors.
Led and managed by Wits University’s Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct, the boot camp will be an intensive view of intermediary work for the digital games and immersive media sectors.
This will be done through providing the participants with an opportunity to participate in modules that focus on:
- Understanding the value chain.
- Monetisation and customers, including new and emergent streams.
- Partnerships, content and IP.
- Mobilising governments, policy and advocacy.
The modules will be led by a number of well-known and dynamic industry experts, speaking on their work and experiences and engaging discussion on the gaps, opportunities and difficulties. The programme includes multiple networking opportunities for intermediaries and industry professionals in Africa and abroad for the digital games and immersive media market.
There will be an opportunity to submit proposals for a funding pitch. Selected participants will attend a proposal mentorship and pitch training seminar, and will be given an opportunity to present their intermediary based projects to multiple investors, platforms and festivals. From the pitch, three participants will be selected for commissions via Fak'ugesi Festival.
Important dates
- DigiIntermediaries Bootcamp: 4 to 6 October and 12 and 15 October (between one to two hours a day only).
- Proposal Mentorship and Pitch Training: 18 to 21 October.
- DigiIntermediaries Pitch: 22 October.
Interested creatives should complete an online form here before 27 September.
View the original call here.
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