Call for applications: i-Portunus Houses co-production grant
The i-Portunus programme in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is accepting applications for the second phase of its co-production grant, which is supported by the European Commission and implemented by the European Cultural Foundation, MitOst and the Kultura Nova Foundation.
- The application deadline is 3 October. Photo: i-Portunus
This programme invites organisations or established individual artists/cultural professionals to team up with two to five artists and/or cultural professionals legally residing in a Creative Europe country.
Tunisia is the only eligible country in Africa.
The host must:
- Be aged 18 years and above.
- Legally reside in a Creative Europe country plus the UK.
- Include all of the information requested in the application form.
- Be hosts receiving artists and/or cultural professionals (team members).
I-Portunus Houses will provide financial support to the host for sub-granting the cost of mobility (transport, accommodation, etc.) to their receiving artists/cultural professionals (team members).
Hosts can apply for one collaboration project with up to five artists/cultural professionals or up to five collaboration projects engaging a minimum of one artist/cultural professional per collaboration project. Hosts have to receive a minimum of two artists/cultural professionals in total.
The main objective of the collaboration project must be:
- To create: A (co-)creation of artistic work, production, performance.
- To connect: Networking, internationalisation.
- To learn: Increase competencies, professional development.
- To explore: Research, future collaborations/projects.
Hosts can apply for collaboration projects consisting of physical mobility or a mix of physical and virtual mobility (blended). Hosts cannot apply for virtual participation only. In total, i-Portunus Houses will invest a maximum of 30% of the mobility budget, which is €4 598 virtual participation.
Note: I-Portunus Houses can provide additional mobility support to artists, creators and cultural professionals living with a disability. In this case, the applicant should declare their access requirements. Financial aid will be based on a case-by-case basis and i-Portunus will require receipts for the additional costs.
The application deadline is 3 October, after which the successful applicants will be notified on 8 November.
About i-Portunus Houses
I-Portunus Houses is part of the i-Portunus pilot scheme, co-funded by the European Commission, dedicated to testing diverse mobility models for artists, creators and cultural professionals. The i-Portunus Houses pilot puts focus on hosts, underlining their value in providing efficient residencies and working environments for creative individuals. The scheme is open for the 40 Creative Europe countries plus the UK and offers specific support for local hosts to team up with up to five artists and/or cultural professionals.
View the original call here.
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