Call for applications: World Music Day Namibia
The Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) is calling on artists to register to perform at the 23rd edition of World Music Day Namibia at Palm Tree Park in Windhoek from 22 to 23 June.
Registration is only open to Namibian citizens. Artists who participate at the concert will not be remunerated. The closing date for applications is 28 May.
“As a tradition throughout the years, this world-recognised day aims to solstice communities from around the world to celebrate music,” the FNCC said. “The concerts are free of charge and the participating artists from all walks of life perform for free, just for love of music.
The organisers say the two-day festival is an excellent opportunity for upcoming and established artists to showcase their talent to a large and diverse audience.
To register artists must download the registration form on the FNCC official website and provide the following details:
- Name of group
- Name of contact person
- Contact number (two required)
- Email address
- Genre
- Number of performers
- Equipment required (attach a technical rider)
- Preferred time slot (morning, afternoon or evening)
The organisers said upcoming or unknown applicants would will be invited to audition in front of a selection committee, which could accept or turn down the application.
Successful applicants must bring their instruments and stick to the time slots that will be allocated to them. Sound equipment (backline) will be supplied at the venue.