Call for entries: 2020 Unsigned Only competition
Unsigned artists who are seeking more opportunities such as landing a record deal are invited to submit entries for the 2020 edition of Unsigned Only music competition.
- South African artist Anna Wolf won the Grand Prize at the 2019 Unsigned Only competition. Photo: Riehan Bakkes
The competition is open to all artists who are not signed to a major label record company and/or its affiliates or subsidiaries. Employees of Unsigned Only, its families, subsidiaries and affiliates are not eligible.
If an entrant is under 18 years old as of the last day of the competition year, the signature of a parent or guardian is required or if by entering online, it is agreed that the parents or legal guardian legally allow the submission and are bound by all rules of the competition.
Unsigned Only will accept MP3s for songs or MP4s for videos. Artists may also provide a link to their songs.
Interested artists should enter their submissions here. The submission deadline is 30 September.
- Entrant retains all ownership rights to all original song(s). Unsigned Only will not have any ownership rights to any song(s) submitted.
- Entrant agrees to release, indemnify, and hold Unsigned Only, its sponsors, and judges harmless for liability, damages, or claims for injury or loss to any person or property relating to, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, participation in Unsigned Only.
- By entering Unsigned Only, entrant and/or their parents or legal guardian (if such entrant is a minor) agree to accept and be bound by the decisions of Unsigned Only and its judges which are final and binding in all matters.
- Entrant may submit as many songs as desired in each category. Entrant may also enter the same song in more than one category. It is entrant's responsibility to ensure that the submitted song(s) are complete and playable. All entry fees are non-refundable. Unsigned Only does not give feedback or a critique to entrants.
- Entry materials (CDs, tapes, and videos) submitted will not be returned to the entrant. Unsigned Only is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, postage-due, stolen, incomplete, or misappropriated entries.
Read more rules here.
"The 2020 winners will be announced by September 2020," the organisers said. "Unsigned Only will post all results on its website and will notify entrants by email that results are posted. Entrant is responsible for providing up-to-date and correct email addresses to Unsigned Only. Unsigned Only is not responsible for entrant's non-receipt of any Unsigned Only emails for any reason, including but not limited to, server or email malfunctions."
"Unsigned Only will use its best efforts to announce the winners at the designated time but will not be held liable for any unforeseen delays. Winners will be notified by email or phone. Entry constitutes permission to use winner's name, likeness, and voice for future advertising and publicity purposes without additional compensation."
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