Call for entries: NAMAs Zimbabwe
The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) is calling on artists, studios, galleries, production houses and arts organisations to submit entries for the 18th edition of the National Arts Merit Awards (NAMAs), which will be held in Harare on 16 February.
The NACZ will accept published works that have not been submitted to the NAMAs before. Those who wish to make physical submissions can obtain entry forms at NACZ offices across the country, including the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Murewa Culture Centre and all registered arts associations.
Entries can also be submitted online via the following links: Gmail users should enter using this link while others can use this link.
The application deadline is 30 November.
- All entries must be accompanied by the artist’s product(s) in the form of videotapes, cassettes, flash drives, CDs, pictures or books.
- Individuals submitting works are encouraged to supply three sets of works/production to assist adjudicators, except where the product is from the visual arts category.
- Applicants should make submissions in the following disciplines: music, dance, film, literary arts, theatre, visual arts, media and spoken word.
- Only Zimbabwean citizens or those with Zimbabwean resident status can enter their works.
- Consideration will only be given to artist works published from 1 December 2017 to 30 November 2018.
“By rewarding excelling artists, NAMA stimulates more interest in the arts and raises the profile of the same,” thr NACZ said. “The awards are a means of encouraging creativity and excellence in the quality of the arts, making Zimbabwe a force to reckon with on the international arena.
“In addition, the awards aim to inspire artists to strive for higher and original forms of creativity and provide an opportunity for arts disciplines to jointly market and publicise the arts locally, regionally and internationally.”
For more information about this call, contact the NACZ acting communication and marketing manager Cathrine Mthombeni at
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