Call for participation: Arts and Culture Trust roadshows
South African funding agency Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is calling on grade 11 and 12 pupils who want to pursue a career in the creative industry to register to attend roadshows around the country from 26 August and 13 September.
- Arts & Culture Trust CEO Marcus Desando.
The roadshows, titled ACTontheMove, are intended for pupils who have interest in any of the following art disciplines: music, visual art, theatre, dance and literature as well as those who have the talent but don’t know where to start looking for assistance.
The ACTontheMove roadshows are intended to equip learners with the following ACT information:
- Who/what is the ACT?
- What exactly does the ACT do and its purpose?
- The various programmes that the trust is involved in.
- Who may benefit from these programmes, and how may they benefit?
- The challenges faced by many of the people in the industry, and how to assist each other in overcoming these challenges.
The following dates have been confirmed for ACTontheMove:
- Artscape Theatre, DF Malan Street, Cape Town – 26 August
- Northern Cape Theatre, 3 Cullinan Crescent, Civic Centre, Kimberley – 27 August
- UFS Environmental Centre Hall (Planetarium), Delville Drive, Naval Hill, Bloemfontein – 28 August
- artEC, Community Art Gallery, 36 – 38 Bird Street, Central PE, Port Elizabeth – 29 August
- BAT Centre, 45 Maritime Place, Small Craft Harbour, Durban – 30 August
- Provincial Archives Museum, Fortune 31, off Farm Bschrand, R40 Road, Drumrock, Nelspruit – 4 September
- Polokwane Royal, Dorp Street, Polokwane Central, Polokwane – 11 September
- Old Town Hall, Mpheni House, Nelson Mandela Street, Rustenburg CBD, Rustenburg – 12 September
- National Military Museum, 22 ERlswold Way, Saxonwold, Johannesburg – 13 September (limited space available)
All roadshows will be held from 9am until 12pm. To register, pupils should send emails at: palesa@act.org.za. The submission deadline is 21 August.
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