Call for participation: Survey on discrimination in electronic music
UK organisation InChorus is calling on electronic music professionals to participate in its anonymous survey on sexual harassment and discrimination in the electronic music sector.
Launched in partnership with Pioneer DJ, Beatport, Sentric Music Group, AFEM, Mixmag, RA, IMS and Women in CTRL, the survey forms part of the first phase of the Electronic Music Inclusion Initiative (EMII). It seeks to promote a speak up culture and address harassment and discrimination across the industry. The study also aims to take a data-led approach to creating more inclusive environments.
“This first step for the Electronic Music Inclusion Initiative is designed to provide new insights on harassment, bias and discrimination issues within our culture and inform the next steps we can collectively take as an industry to address them,” AFEM General Manager Greg Marshall said. AFEM encourages anyone who has experienced harassment, bias or discrimination of any kind while working in the electronic music industry to take a moment to log details through the anonymous reporting tool provided.”
Pioneer DJ’s General Manager Mark Grotefeld said: “Diversity and inclusion are key priorities for Pioneer DJ. We are proud to support the Electronic Music Inclusion Initiative in order to push for systemic change across the industry. We hope this will continue the progress and empower individuals to share their experiences of bias and harassment and encourage the industry to adopt robust listening tools that enable targeted action and progress.”
Once the research is combined, EMII will release the findings back to the wider industry. The initiative has a clear mandate to avoid data for data's sake. Instead, EMII will use the insights to highlight high-impact steps that organisations can take and to offer targeted resources & support to individuals across the sector in order to promote inclusion within the ecosystem.
Interested participants can fill out the survey here, which will be available until 14 May. For more information, visit the InChorus' website here.
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