Classical music in Togo
In Togo, no matter how passionate a musician, she cannot live on performing music alone.
For example, one of the most popular classical artists in Togo, Clémentine K. Ayéfouni, works as a commercial manager for an insurance company.
Music is her passion, particularly classical music and Opera. Vanessa Worou, who claims to be a "pop singer", is an artist by training and passion. Her music career took off after studying for three years at La Belle Mélodie music school.
“I am much more into modern music than classical because the latter is aimed at an informed public and this public does not roam the streets of Togo," she said.
Classical music obeys rules and is performed at specific occasions. In Togo, it is played in ‘specific’ venues: embassies, Institut Français, Goethe Institut, Agora Senghor and other cultural centers.
Classical music is live music comprised of a vocal lead, a soloist as well as instrumentalists. Pianists, violinists, bass players and trumpeters play a large part in an opera. Togo has many talented pianists. Most apprenticeships take place at churches. Choirs and other orchestras have a wealth of talent.
According to Vanessa Worou, "a choir is a great place to start” in the journey towards classical music. There are, however, choirs specialized in classical music, such as the La Belle Mélodie choir and the Mawufe Nuse choir." Ayéfouni believes choral singing "can be classic or modern according to the composer."
Asked what has prevented classical music from evolving in Togo, practitioners of classical music were unanimous in their answers: Togolese music is not classical music. African music is about rhythms, dance steps, traditional instruments and tam tams. Classical music, as we know it, is an acquired music. It is a challenging music to learn and requires discipline.
Music is an optional subject in the Togolese education system. The curriculum only covers the basics like general definitions and the reading of few notes, which doesn’t spark any interest in talented students. In the end, very few classic artists come out of Togolese music schools.
In addition, there are very few local scenes where classical music artists can perform. An audience is a niche group composed of people of a certain age and social class, who do not hesitate to pay for classic concerts. Promoters hesitate to invest in the sector.
According to Ayéfouni, "It will be necessary to encourage the training of music teachers for a better promotion of classical music."
Worou pleads for the contextualization of classical music. "Togo has at least one great music teacher per economic region. And every region has it's linguistic, ethnic and cultural specificities. Why not promote classical music in the languages of the region?”
There may be a need to encourage classic performances and competitions while reviewing the current national school curriculum.
"Sounds on the solfege are a universal language, even to those who can’t read or write in French or English," adds Worou. "Anyone with the will and desire can practice music, whatever their level of education.”
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