NGOs used my song illegally – Burundian singer
A musician from Burundi has filed a copyright infringement complaint against the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and PLAY International.
- Spoks Man says Burundian musicians have little understanding of copyright law.
Eric Dushimirimana, popularly known as Spoks Man, accused the two humanitarian organisations of illegally using his song ‘Nzobiki’ during the Champion for Children sports project that ended on 13 March.
The musician issued the complaint last week through OBDA, the body tasked with the protection of artistic and literary works in Burundi.
“I found out about the infringement on 7 March,” Spoks Man told Music In Africa. “After gathering enough evidence I submitted an official letter to OBDA last week informing them that UNICEF and PLAY International had used my song without my permission.
“I have not yet made any claims in terms of compensation but that will soon follow once they respond to my letter, hopefully by the end of next week. The copyright law is not well implemented in the country. However, I consulted experts from Rwanda and Kenya who confirmed that it was copyright infringement.”
The singer said musicians in Burundi had little knowledge about copyright law, a problem that stemmed from the government’s failure to invest in the industry. He says musicians saw OBDA as a taxation body because there was not enough public information about its role.
“The music industry in Burundi is not developed,” Spoks Man said. “OBDA was launched by President Pierre Nkurunziza but no efforts have been made to familiarise musicians with it. The organisation was given an office but no funds. This is why the few musicians making money are not willing to register because they think they will lose their money. “
Burundian broadcaster Christian Nsavye says Spoks Man is the first musician in Burundi to file a copyright infringement through OBDA since the organisation’s establishment in 2005.
“If this issue is resolved and he is compensated then other musicians will also register their work,” Nsavye said. “Most musicians are sceptical about signing with OBDA. Spoks Man is the only popular Burundian musician who has declared and registered his work. The rest of the members are underground artists.”
Last year, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Jean Bosco Hitimana, mandated OBDA with the collection of royalties to curb the exploitation of artistic and literary works in the East African country. However, Nsavye and Spoks Man are in agreement that OBDA’s instatement has failed to achieve its intended purpose.
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