SA: CAPASSO appoints new CEO, executives
The Composers, Authors and Publishers Association (CAPASSO) has confirmed the appointment of Jotam Matariro as its incoming CEO.
- Jotam Matariro is the new CAPASSO chief executive.
Matariro takes over from Nothando Migogo who left CAPASSO last year to assume the same position at the Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO).
“It is now well over a year since Ms Nothando Migogo made the move and CAPASSO has now finally made the long-awaited announcement of who is to be her successor," the collective management organisation (CMO) said.
"Jotam Matariro has been officially confirmed as the person who shall assume the reigns of the CEO of the organisation. The appointment follows Matariro’s interim stint as the general manager when the executive seat was vacant. Matariro is no stranger to collective management, having joined CAPASSO as early as 2014. He has also previously held the financial manager position prior to being made general manager."
Matariro’s appointment is also accompanied by other executive appointments, where Warrick Percy assumes a new role as the head of business development and licensing, while Wiseman Ngubo has been appointed as the head of legal and business affairs.
“CAPASSO seeks to grow the collection and distribution of digital royalties in South Africa as well as the entire continent. The abovementioned appointments ensure that the organisation has the executive capacity and talent to carry out this mammoth task,” the CMO said.
“In light of the increased spotlight on African music, it is imperative that the management of African musical works improves so that authors and composers realise some benefit. In this respect, it is encouraging that the continent’s fastest growing CMO looks set to continue its positive trajectory in the coming years.”
In a brief statement, Matariro said: “Digital consumption has necessitated that CMOs reimagine themselves in order to ensure that we continue to demonstrate the requisite value to our members.
"We, as the executive, are committed to ensuring that CAPASSO carries out its mandate in the most efficient and cutting-edge manner possible with a particular focus on highlighting the value of digital consumption on the continent.”
Founded in 2014, CAPASSO is South Africa’s sole mechanical rights CMO.
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