Watch Saalim Ismail’s We Are Survivors video
South African artist Saalim Ismail has released a song called ‘We are Survivors’.
- Saalim Ismail.
The song is about hope and seeks to encourage people to stand together during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was composed and produced by Saalim Ismail and Tasleem Karriem respectively.
Featured artists on the track include Vicky Sampson, Jéan Citto, Andréas Tabumuntu, Xola Toto, Zoe Zana, Celest Florence, Julian Hurley, Cheswyn Ray, Miché Beneke, Ameer Hendricks and Micaela Kleinsmith.
‘We are Survivors’ (Singabasindileyo) is accompanied by a video, which features local influencers Siv Ngesi and Jenny Morris.
“We want to spread the message of hope, unity and equality through the universal language of music, transcending all barriers,” Ismail told Music In Africa. “We salute all our unsung heroes, who resiliently work on the front line.
“As South Africa and the rest of the world enters 2021, we find ourselves anxiously concerned about the safety of ourselves and loved ones as we are faced with the second wave of the pandemic. But looking back on the challenging year we have faced; we could proudly proclaim that we are survivors.”
Asked what inspired many artists to be part of the song, Ismail said: “These artists voluntarily came on board when the opportunity was presented to them to unite and to send a message of hope and positivity amid the devastating impact of the pandemic.”
Ismail said the song was created with the sole purpose of instilling hope among people “as we are currently faced with the second wave of the pandemic, we continue to push forward as far and wide as we can to spread this message through the universal language of music which transcends barriers. Music created with a purpose will never have an expiration date, as it will still exist long after we are gone.”
He added: “We have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and people are fighting for survival and are trying to find solace during these trying times of losing their livelihood, the loss of loved ones.”
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