International Music Council to hold ResiliArt debate
The International Music Council will hold its first ResiliArt virtual debate on 27 May.
- Arn Chorn-Pond, Dame Evelyn Glennie and Tabu Osusa.
ResiliArt is a debate series launched last month by UNESCO in partnership with the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) to raise awareness about the far-reaching impact of the confinement measures on the cultural sector amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Founded in 1949, the IMC advocates for access to music for all and works towards the advancement of its five music rights, which include the right for all musical artists to develop their artistry and communicate through all media with proper facilities at their disposal, the right to obtain just recognition and remuneration for their work, the right for all to express themselves musically, the right to learn musical languages and skills, and the right of access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation and information.
The debate will seek to discuss questions such as, How can we make sure that the five rights continue to be respected during and in the aftermath of the crisis? Which challenges can be identified for each right? What needs to be done to overcome them?
The session will be moderated by IMC president Alfons Karabuda. The panellists will be music rights champions Tabu Osusa (Kenya), Ramy Essam (Egypt), Arn Chorn-Pond (Cambodia) and Dame Evelyn Glennie (UK)
The panellists will offer their views on the aforementioned questions and engage with UNESCO assistant director-general for culture Ernesto Ottone on the possible avenues to efficiently advocate for cultural policies and funding mechanisms that place shared values at the centre of the COVID-19 response.
"The IMC considers music as an art form, as a product and as a tool," the music body said. "We acknowledge the intrinsic value of music, enriching and inspiring those who engage in it. As an art form, music has contributed and continues to contribute immensely to the world’s legacy, building a rich heritage that preserves and celebrates the diversity of our cultural identities. The IMC debate is our reply to UNESCO’s invitation to start a dialogue about the matter in our field and our community and we hope you will join us."
The IMC ResiliArt debate will start at 11.30 pm CAT. Watch it live here.
Interested stakeholders can find more information about how to organise a ResiliArt debate here.
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