

Leesaxo is a Tanzanian afro fusion saxophonist, composer and songwriter his music based on Tanzania and east Africa traditional tunes. Leesaxo born 28 November 1995 at Kilimanjaro Moshi his full name is Leeston s. Kimaro born from family of Mr shisael s. kimaro.
His musical journey start when he is in secondary school and he start playing drum set at church and school band. after few years he shift and start learning saxophone and now saxophone become his major instrument . he is also get an opportunity to be bend member of some of live recording as drummer and saxophonist. in 2015 get opportunity to appear in PRAISE WITHOUT MEASURE SEASSON 1 as drummer, in 2016 get opportunity to appear in the same project season 2 as saxophonist and drummer, in 207 also get to an opportunity to appear in the same project season 3 as saxophonist, in 2018 get opportunity to appear in same project season 3 as saxophonist, in 2019 he also get an opportunity to appear in the same project season 4 as saxophonist , in 2019 he also get an opotunity to be a band member in AMKA LIVE RECORDING in moshi kilimanjaro AND SIFU BWANA LIVE RECORDING in mwanza and many othe live concerts. he is do a couple of festival and concert with deferent groups and artist like ONDOS STRESS music festival with Mubba, NANENANE CALTURE DAY music concert with CAC (cultural art center) and many local performances around Tanzania. he also gets an opportunity to play his own pieces at KIKWETUKWETU ZAIDI and KWETU NYUMBAN live music concert at tumain makumira university where he gets his music education.


Performing opportunity: Music band from tanzania


TZArusha, Tanzania
In operation since: 


Leeston Kimaro

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