Belita Andre


Belita Andre is a Johannesburg based singer, poet and copywriter.


Belita Andre's picture

Belita Andre added a new video

Cracking open, spoken word poem
Belita Andre's picture

Belita Andre added 21 new videos

Hey i see you- Rhythm and poetry by Belita Andre- Izimbongi festival 2019
The bathroom- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi festival
Belita Andre. The twisted tongue blisters.


Cracking open, spoken word poem
The first body, a poem by Belita Andre
The death poem by Belita Andre
Element, a poem by Belita Andre
Smoke, by Belita Andre
The journey thus far, poem by Belita Andre
The neighbors tongues- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival
It feels good to be black these days- Rhythm and poetry by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival
Death bangs on my door and says- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival 2019.
Hey i see you- Rhythm and poetry by Belita Andre- Izimbongi festival 2019
The bathroom- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi festival
You've got a starfish on your tongue- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival
Pluto Sings to Herself- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival 2019
The Twisted Tongue Blisters- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival
Saturn circles herself- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival
There Is A Blinding Light That Escapes- Poem by Belita Andre. Izimbongi Festival 2019
Is That Blood On Your Aura? - Poem by Belita Andre, Izimbongi Festival 2019
Birth, by Belita Andre
Belita Andre. The twisted tongue blisters.
Belita Andre - The Quantum Rapes.
Belita Andre. 2017 rhythm and poetry.
ZARichmond, South Africa
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