Sabelo 'Mashelela' Ngubane populary known as
Mashelela on music industry , he was born on the
29th of September 1990 , he was in KwaZulu Natal at
Olundi he obtained his primary level at KwaNyoni
Primary School and finished his high school at
Zwelonke High school , he then moved to
Johannesburg for Tertiary level at Central
Johannesburg College for Mechanical Engineering ,he
got vast skills on entertainment , hes responsible in
his community ,hes so humble down to earth
respects people , fans and event planners, hes so
responsible in the community he plays big role in his
area , hes so handful where hes needed, he always
put effort in whatever hes doing ,hes a hero to
youngsters they learn alot from him.
Mashelela Ngubane on his early ages he use to contest in school choirs , and some certain Zulu
Cultural Ceremonies such as Umgangela ,umvalelo , imfundelo e.t.c ,due to his adroitness and talent
2008 he was part of Idlamu Traditional dance group he was nomitated as best vocalist and dancer ,
he won awards for both categories , after he moved to Johannesburg for tertiary studies he met hes
fellow home boys Garaji Ngubane , they formed a group where they meet and sing every weekend ,
he use to attend most of shows of multi-talented Maskandi artist Mzovukil “Jaiva Zimnike”Khanyeza
he learnt alot form him that leads him to have serious conservation about music , they decided to
record Mashelela’s firt album titled ÍSKHWELE SESHENDE’2019 , the album consist 12 hit tracks plus
1 remix track 9 ( uMashelela remix track 13) , the album sold alot and its also available on digital
platforms such as Itunes , Deezer, Spotify, Playstore, google,youtube e.t.c . August 2019 he got
interview at number radio station in South Africa , Ukhozi Fm ,he was interviewed by Zimiphi
‘Zimdollar’Biyela who broadcast Maskandi on Saturday with Tshath’godo Ngobe , he was
interviewed on Thursday at night theres certain radio programme that occurs every Thursday at
Ukhozi fm called Sibhukuda kweismanzonzo , the programme is broadcasted by Zimiphi Biyela, he
talent is still flourishing the album is still on demand.
2022 he released his third album titles Icala lobushende, he features Luve Dubazane on other song.
Mashelela got 3 Album
First Album released 2019 title (Iskhwele seshende)
Second Album 2020 title ( 1-1 Aziyemashendeni)
Third Album 202 title ( Icala lobushende)