SanaaPRO’s network is composed of 8 Tanzanian organizations running cultural activities. Over 2022/2023, SANAAPRO's activities will be implemented by various cultural activities. The Tanzanian cultural organizations working in collaboration with five French organizations.
On Tanzanian part : (1) ASEDEVA (Art for Social and Economic Development in Africa); (2) MUDAFRICA; (3) CAC (Cultural Arts Centre) in Arusha; (4) We-Present Tanzania; (5) AJABU AJABU; (6) DCMA – Zanzibar; (7) Alliance Française Dar es Salaam; (8) Foundation for Civil Society (FCS)
On the French side the following are the selected partners:
(1) Les Inachevés : Moïse Touré / Francis Viet ; (2) Offcourts Trouville festival – Normandie ; (3) We Present - Marseille ; (4) Africolor - Paris
The general objective of this project is to support the creative industry in Tanzania.
It has been created and financially supported by the French Embassy in Tanzania in 2022.