Aisha Deme


Aisha Dème is the co-founder and ex Director of, an online portal dedicated to promoting and showcasing Senegalese art since 2009. She has been a Consultant since 2014.

She is a former chairperson of the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) responsible for content and communication strategies at board level.
Dème previously served on the MIAF board as deputy chairperson from 2014 to 2016. She was also part of the Foundation’s first management committee set up in 2012. Additionally, she worked closely with the Foundation’s education and content committee established in 2015.

Dème has vast experience in the media and arts sector. As a cultural manager, her expertise is widely recognised in Senegal. In 2009, she co-founded, the first web platform dedicated to arts and culture in the country. She has worked with organisations such as the Dakar Biennale, Amnesty International, Oxfam and Save the Children.

After obtaining a degree in computer science at the Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique in Dakar. Dème was a bank employee for five years but decided to move away from the banking sector to promote the arts. She has also a master’s degree in communications.

SNDakar, Senegal
In operation since: 


Aisha DEME

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