It is an Ivorian musical group created in 2002 under the initiative of JARAFRO LE JAZZIWÊ. Originally, this iconoclastic group started from the meeting of musicians with different influences (jazz, classical, reggae, ziglibity, zouglou (Ivorian genres), etc.) but sharing a common passion: music. Gifted as well as each other, the members of the group have managed to develop a particular style of music called "Codijazz". Which means "Ivory Coast Jazz". In short, it is a mixture of African classics, in particular Ivorian, and Western, Oriental and American music. Anything that justifies the choice of the name of the group: JARAFRO which is an acronym: Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Reggae and Afro (Afro beat and African music). Over the years, the group has been reconstituted because some members have regularly left for personal or professional reasons or to try another adventure. JARAFRO is two albums MEDITATION released in 2013 and DE L' OMBRE À LA LUMIÈRE released in 2016 but also two singles Alléluia Hosanna released in 2002 and le pénitencier Atchan released in 2020. Since its inception JARAFRO to participate in several events festival competition and gala -MASA 2020 -LAFF FESTIVAL OF LAUSANNE (SWITZERLAND) - THE SCENES OF LERNÉ AND CHINON - THE SCENE OF STARS IN PARIS -LE GOETHE (2015) -LE VIBES FESTIVAL IN ACCRA The list is not exhaustive Against all odds, JARAFRO has held and survived. With its experience, JARAFRO has experienced a mobility that has made him today a musical school group with its traveling musicians, including students of the National School of Music in Abidjan of the National Institute of Arts and Cultural Actions (INSAAC) supervised by the founder of the group, Jarafro the jazziwê of his real name POUEGNAN Keassa Plujamais Obed.
JARAFRO LE JAZZIWÊ is a multidisciplinary artist. His particularity is to merge jazz, hip hop and pop music with his strong traditional influences, precisely Wê.
Born in Man, located in the west of Côte d'Ivoire, this virtuoso of Ivorian music plays several instruments (guitar, balafon, kora, horn, sanza etc. ...) composes, produces and distributes music since 2002. Year when his professional career begins marked by the release of his very first single.
He was immersed very early in the world of music because his father was an accordionist who accompanied him on percussion. In 1996, he discovers the hiphop, precisely the rap and will make his first scenes through several sounds systems. In 2000 he moved to Abidjan, started music school and obtained his artistic baccalaureate with brio while combining study and musical career.
He also holds a diploma of general artistic study (DEAG), a diploma of higher artistic study (DESA) and a certificate of pedagogical aptitude (CAPEAS). Since then, he has been teaching at INSAAC, specifically at LEA.
He has created several groups, including the LABO, which is designed to encourage young students to develop their skills while helping them to gain experience.
In 2004...