Institute for Music and Indigenous Arts Development (IMAD)


Founded in 2007, IMAD is an NPO operating in disadvantaged areas in and around Cape Town. IMAD has two focus areas: firstly, teaching primary school children to play an instrument (saxophone, trumpet, trombone, keyboards, guitar, bass guitar or drums) and to play in ensembles, and secondly, providing these youngsters with the opportunity to graduate to the Little Giants youth band, to study at the UCT College of Music and elsewhere, and to become successful professional musicians.

IMAD’s main focus is on teaching and playing in the indigenous Cape Jazz genre. By working with primary school children and teenagers, IMAD provides a very meaningful alternative to gangsterism, drugs and other evil options in the townships.


ZACape Town, South Africa
In operation since: 


George Werner
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 05 Jun 2014
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