Ikubi lya Loongo Ceremony


Ikubi lya Loongo Ceremony is a Zambian annual traditional ceremony held by the Sala people. It is a celebration of successful harvests and the strength of the Sala people in conquering other tribes and they acknowledge those cultures by allowing each of them to present. Different groups do dances of battle; others perform solo acts through singing and playing music instruments.

At this event, a group of elders who represent Chiefdom Shakumbila explain the story of their heritage and founder through singing and dancing. The dance is about the Chieftainess (played by the traditional healer who appear to be in a trance) who created the Shakumbila Chiefdom. She was a mysterious woman who could perform miracles like blowing water from a bundle of dry grass. This endured great respect and honour because of such miracles. She was easily recognised as a leader.



Ikubi lya Loongo Ceremony
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 13 Jun 2016