31 May 2016Music education in ZambiaThe importance of music in holistic education cannot be overemphasized. In Zambia, just like in...By Lunga Jeremiah ...
13 May 2016Music education in SwazilandIn 2013, Swaziland’s reigning monarch King Mswati III and his government announced the National...By Cara Stacey
11 Feb 2016Call for applications: SAMRO Foundation music bursariesIf you are studying towards a music diploma or degree this year but are short of funds to continue...By Music In Africa...
02 Nov 2015Music education in MalawiBy Mayamiko Seyani This text provides an overview of music education in Malawi. It begins with some...By Music In Africa...
06 Feb 2015Music education in UgandaBy Benon Kigozi Music education forms a vital part of any education system that seeks to bring...By Stanley Gazemba
24 Nov 2014Music education in ZimbabweBy Fred Zindi Music has an important function in the development of culture in any society and is...By Music In Africa...