African Rhythm Productions
Few years ago a group of 10 young musicians who all sang and played music instruments, each struck a chord together and African Rhythm was born. What began as jam sessions, busking in the streets of Johannesburg and a YouTube video that went viral turned into a youth band that got recognition from various media platforms. We play real instruments and we play them well.
Defined as "Kasi's Soul", the group features (in township style) a mix of genres such as Afro-pop, Afro-Soul and Tribal House. African has been scare-crowing across south Africa's stages with their unique sound, some might call it niche, but to cal it niche would be entirely missing the point, African Rhythm are more of shape-shifters than a niche.
African Rhythm has toured Cape Town in 2017 supported by ConcertsSA Mobility Fund with performances at; AfroFest,, Stellies Jazz Experiment (Stellenbosch) and V&A Waterfront. In Gauteng, they've performed at various Markets such as Market@Sheds, BrownSense Market and many other events outside of Gauteng like Milliepopo Festival (Mpumalanga) and Rusternburg Kloof All White Picnic (North West)