Bernadette Muthoni


Multifaceted musician Bernadette Muthoni is a versatile violinist and violist who has established herself as a compelling soloist, orchestral, and chamber musician. Her musical journey has taken her to esteemed stages, sharing her talent with diverse ensembles.

Professional experience

Bernadette has performed with:

•⁠ ⁠Kenya Conservatoire of Music Orchestra •⁠ ⁠Dar Choral Society •⁠ ⁠BISYOC European Intercultural Orchestra

Concertmaster positions:

•⁠ ⁠Kenya Conservatoire Women's Orchestra •⁠ ⁠Kenya National Youth Orchestra •⁠ ⁠Nairobi Orchestra

Current collaborations:

Bernadette is a featured member of the Fret Venture ensemble, skillfully directed by Manaseh Uzele.

Beyond music, Bernadette finds inspiration in writing poetry and exploring the beauty of nature.

KENairobi, Kenya
In operation since: 


Bernadette Muthoni

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