NyattiSaxPrime A.K.A @TheNyatti or Edward Mbogo is a freelance saxophonist with a rare liking for The Straight Bb Soprano Sax. Besides music, his other interests include Tech, The Military, Travel and nicely done Chapati. Legend has it that he led a secret battalion called #TheAsSAXsins during the #BattleOfTheBands. No wonder some people call him The #SopranoSaXmurai. In summary, he is just a regular guy with a mighty touch of Buffalo.
In matters music, He is comfortable playing any genre of music but summarizes his works as Live Afro Jazz Highlife Mix - his own unique sound!
Most of the time you will find him entertaining at various corporate events, weddings, live gigs, house parties and jam sessions in the streets of Nairobi. He regularly ministers at Church with The Citam Woodley Music Team Band. He has worked with numerous bands, artistes and DeeJays both locally and abroad.
DISCLAIMER: Every rumor about him related to saxophones and chapati is true.
#SopranoSAXmurai #AsSAXsin #LetsPlay #LikeABurukenge #MoustacheOtass