

His full name is Dempsey Omwega. He was born in 1991 in Nairobi’s Zimmerman Estate but partly raised in the UK where his father was working as a surveyor. He started music while in school, where he represented his school, Moi High School, Kabarak at the National Music Festivals.

He is a self-taught guitarist and pianist who honed his skill as a back-up singer for musician Stan (Ng’ang’a). He did back-up vocals for Stan when he was promoting his 2009 album Kenya Debut.
Currently signed to Penya Afrika, he cites London Beat, Stevie Wonder, and Lemar Obika as some of his greatest influences. He is working with his producer MG on finishing his debut album.

Dempsey has performed at the 30th edition of Blankets & Wine, the Kinanda Festival and the Art & Beer Festival. He also curtain-raised for Sauti Sol when they launched their second album Sol Filosofia.
He would like to have a full back-up band, but admits that keeping a band together isn’t easy. During live shows Thomas Olang’o backs him on the bass and Tetu Shani on percussion. Dempseys dream is to win a Grammy.


KENairobi, Kenya


Penya Africa
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 29 May 2014