Performers' Organisation of South Africa (POSA)


The Performers’ Organisation of South Africa Trust (POSA) is a trust established to administer Needletime Rights on behalf of recording artists/musicians who have assigned their Needletime Rights to SAMRO. POSA represents more than 7000 recording artists. These are artists who have assigned their Needletime Rights to SAMRO.

Needletime offers artists an additional revenue stream beyond that of live performances and royalties paid by record companies, without infringing on or detracting from the rights of composers and authors. In essence, Needletime Rights activate the fundamental goals of intellectual property by enabling musicians to make a living from their music. In order to access these rights, musicians need only register with and thereby authorise SAMRO to administer these royalties on their behalf.

ZAJohannesburg, South Africa


POSA Office
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 02 Jun 2014