Phuthadikobo Museum (Bostwana)
Based in Mochudi in Botswana, Phuthadikobo Museum is located at the top of Phuthadikobo Hill. It holds a rich history of the Bakgatla tribe and Botswana in general. Built from 1921 to 1923 by the community under the leadership of Kgosi Isang Pilane, the building was the first school in Mochudi, and was called Mochudi National School. The museum was established 1976 by the community under the leadership of Kgosi Linchwe II, the paramount chief of the Bakgatla at the time.
It boasts of a range of artefacts such as weapons and music instruments. Other exhibits at the museum include old photographs from the early 1900s, and historical documents relating to the history of the Mochudi and Bakgatla peoples of the region, as well as displays of the work anthropologist Isaac Schapera, who did much of his work in Mochudi. Other items on display at the museum include traditional neck rings worn by Bakgatla women in the late 1860′s. Also found at the museum is a church bell dating back to 1896 and an initiation drum from the mid 1800′s making it arguably one of the oldest wooden artefacts in Southern Africa.
The museum welcomes volunteers who have the opportunity of working hand in hand with museum staff in the maintenance of the interior and exterior of the museum. The museum’s opening hours are Monday to Friday at 08h00am to 17h00pm.