Zimbabwe Music Rights Association (ZIMURA)
Established in 1982, the Zimbabwe Music Rights Association (ZIMURA) is an association of composers and publishers of music that was created with the purpose of protecting the rights of musicians under the copyright law. The association was incorporated in terms of Section 22 of the Companies Act (CAP190). As such it has no share capital and is a non-profit-making that pays no dividends like any other company listed under section 22 of the Companies Act.
The association protects the performing rights of authors and collects royalties on their behalf. It also renders a valued service to music users by providing them with a single central source where applications should be made by anyone wishing to perform a musical work in public or broadcast it or relay it via a diffusion service. As such, no one is allowed to conduct a public performance of music without the prior permission of the author. Anyone who doesn’t act in accordance would amount to an infringement of copyright.