Frédéric Hérout


I began my career in the cultural industry in 1999 in the world of event organizers and festivals.

I quickly joined the Zenith Caen to continue in 2003 on my own company, a Communication Agency specializing in derivatives and dedicated to the cultural and events sector.

Then I developed a passion for the Internet and Buzz Marketing. The adventure lasts 5 years then I become marketing and business consultant in the media and advertising agencies sector.

Ethnic and multicultural marketing specialist, I developed parallel to Off and On Line solutions to target diasporas in Europe, the Maghreb and West Africa. I joined the Club Efficience (Club of the French African elite) as Marketing Director in 2014.

After having lived in Paris, worked in 20 countries in Africa, visited New York and travelled in all Europe...

Today, I have join YACAST to work around my passions:
- the Business International Development
- Big Data
- The Music.

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Frédéric Hérout

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