Mikrophone 7 “M7”


Born on 22 April 1994 in Lusaka, Zambia, Mikrophone 7 “M7” (real name) Kaluba Bwalya is an energetic artist with a passion for the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. M7 grew up in a Catholic Church environment. As an altar boy, he developed interest in music which led him to join the Loyola Youth Choir of St.Ignatius Parish. It is from there that he learnt how to sing. He started off as a secular artist but later changed to gospel in January 2013.
He has a mix tape titled ‘God Engineering'. Some of his songs are 'Ready Set' (remix), 'Nyeleti', 'Number One', 'Praying For My Nation', 'How I Feel', 'Am A Believer', 'The Script' and 'No Worries'.

ZMLusaka, Zambia


Mikrophone 7
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 22 juin 2016