Radio Lake Victoria


Radio Lake Victoria has been a key vehicle for information, dialogue and analysis within the Lake Victoria basin. RLV provides direct and very significant improvements to the lives of its listeners, by dispersing credible and updated information on a large range of community relevant issues such as health and HIV/AIDs, education, environment, agriculture, civic rights, business matters, news and weather.

RLV’s key constituency is the fishermen/women, the lake basin farmers and natural resource users i.e. people who derive their livelihoods from Lake Victoria basin and its resources. In line with its motto of educating, informing and entertaining listeners, RLV kept listeners glued to their radios throughout the years. It is operated by Osienala (Friends of Lake Victoria) group based in Kisumu town.


KEKisumu, Kenya
Opérationnel depuis: 


The Reception
Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 04 juin 2014