Bright Osei


Bright Osei Boadu is an award-winning bass player, singer, composer and songwriter from Ghana.

Boadu is also an arranger and a multiple instrumentalist, who started off as a drummer at a local church. He later developed an interest in playing the guitar and singing.

Boadu began recording and touring with various highlife bands. He has played with Jewel Ackah, Papa Yankson, Ambulley and Paa Bobo.

He later developed an interest to study jazz music and began playing with the Ghana jazz collectives since 2020.

He has recorded and played with Barry Finnerty of the Brecker Brothers fame, Peter White from UK, Nicholas Genest (France), Entienne Charles (US), Gordon Louis (NY) and Gert Vincent (Denmark) as well as Pilani Bubu (South Africa).

In March 2020, Boadu released an album titled 'African Boy', which features local and international musicians.


GHAccra, Ghana
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Bright Osei Boadu

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