Zim: Listen to Stunner’s Dzangaradzimu
Zimbabwean rapper Stunner has released a nine-track album titled Dzangaradzimu.
- Stunner's new album features eight tracks.
The album features artists like Ching, Natasha Muz, Ishan and Uncle Epaton, and comprises eight tracks including 'Slow Down’, ‘Jah Bless’ and ‘Sugar Daddy’.
The album is available for streaming on Apple Music.
“Dzimudzangara means radio so basically I'm saying I'm a whole radio, a full musician,” Stunner told Music In Africa. “I released the album around this time because I felt people needed something fresh to listen to during this lockdown.”
Stunner, who is rated among the best rappers in the country, also released the ‘Sugar Daddy’ video off the new album (below)
He said he would release more videos after the COVID-19 lockdown is lifted in his country.
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