Call for proposals: Cultural and Artistic Responses to Environmental Change
The Prince Claus Fund and Goethe-Institut are now accepting proposals for the Cultural and Artistic Responses to Environmental Change grant.
- Prince Claus Fund director Joumana El Zein Khoury.
The third cycle of the grant seeks to support initiatives tackling pressing environmental issues around the world. Applicants can request between €15 000 ($17 000) and €20 000.
"While causes and consequences of environmental change are being debated by politicians, scientists and the broader public, the most affected people are often those with least power to stop the process," the Prince Claus Fund said.
"Now, more than ever, we need the arts and culture to help us respond; to inspire and motivate us by offering new ideas that challenge our perceptions and change our habits by introducing radical and transdisciplinary perspectives and envisioning models of climate justice in the world."
Who can apply?
This call is for:
- Cultural practitioners.
- Artists.
- Architects.
- Designers.
The list of eligible African countries is available here.
Project eligibility
Applicants should submit projects that:
- Employ new media to reimagine a more sustainable world, and provide space for different perspectives within the sustainability discussion.
- Promote the inclusion of women, indigenous communities and other marginalised groups.
- Support innovative and contemporary artistic and cultural interventions that enable local impact while encouraging a global exchange on the culture of sustainability and climate justice as well as challenges to democracy the climate crisis poses.
- Encourage out-of-the-box initiatives by artists and cultural practitioners looking to reimagine conventional approaches to environmental sustainability and climate justice.
- Support the development of artistic initiatives that reinforce and rethink traditional knowledge and methods as a means to promote sustainability and climate justice.
Selection process
Representatives from the Prince Claus Fund and Goethe-Institut will evaluate all applications according to the following criteria:
- Quality.
- Innovation.
- Contextual relevance.
- Costs.
Applicants should note that:
- Only requests for activities starting from March 2021 will be considered.
- The grantees will be announced on the Goethe-Institut and Prince Claus Fund's websites.
- Exemplary projects will be disseminated on the Prince Claus Fund and Goethe-Institut's websites and shared within their networks.
The payment schedule is as follows:
- Grantees will receive 25% of the grant as a first payment.
- The second instalment of 50% of the grant will be made once a first progress report has been received.
- The final 25% of the total grant will be transferred once the project is complete and the grantee has submitted the deliverable narrative and financial reports.
The application deadline is 31 July 2020 at 5pm (Amsterdam time).
How to apply
- Download the Prince Claus Fund guidelines here.
- Download the application form here.
- Complete the application form and send it to
View the original call here.
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