DR these


DR these is a kwaito artist and producer from South Africa.


Portrait de DR these

DR these a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

DR these - iGqe
Portrait de DR these

DR these a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

DR these - Gibela(feat. Inno)
Portrait de DR these

DR these a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

DR these - Gibel' Ibhasi (feat. Mlondisto, DJ Bizo & Dudlu
Portrait de DR these

DR these a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

DR these - Nkunku tshwala (feat. Mshudu, Lady Noh & Bkay Lee) official Video


DR these - iGqe
DR these - Gibela(feat. Inno)
DR these - Gibel' Ibhasi (feat. Mlondisto, DJ Bizo & Dudlu
DR these - Nkunku tshwala (feat. Mshudu, Lady Noh & Bkay Lee) official Video
DR these - Nkunkutshwala (feat. Mshudu, Lady Noh & Bkay Lee)
Gqom Ignition
Shubest (Feat. Mlondisto & Mshudu)
Ngi Ghost Mtase
Kwamnandi Emhlabeni (Feat. Dogg Dokotela)
Festive Bass (feat. Sbuda Man)
DR these - Dr Khehlelezi (feat. Dogg Dokotela)
Felo Le Tee x Myztro x DR these - 66 Gqom Vision
DR these - Shubest ft Mlondisto x Mshudu (Official Music video)
DR these Shubest(Feat Mlondisto x Mshudu x Dogg Dokotela)
DR these - Gqom Ignition
DR these - Valentine Message (Nompumelelo Mzila)
Isbhamu Sa Mjovo (Mlondisto & Mshudu)
Just Dance (Feat. TourBite)
440 Speed Limit
All Road Leads to Country Vision Entertainment
Mjovo Cure (Intro)
Woza Sambe (feat. Mlondisto & Mshudu)
Sthe - Can't Believe (Feat DR these)
DR these - Valentine Present
DR these - Othi Sbadide(feat DJ Nkonka)
DR these - Iskibha SkaJohn(feat LD Mlondisto, SB Da Chillah & My Gosh)
DR these - Live Mix on Lockdown Live Sessions
DR these - Corona Virus(Feat. Mshudu & BKay)
ZAPietermaritzburg, South Africa
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Nhlakanipho Regional

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