Introduction to Spinlet and digital distribution
Presentation title: Introduction to spinlet and digital distribution
Author: Spinlet
Year: 2015
Online music store Spinlet gave a presentation at the Impact Music Conference held in Zimbabwe on 29 and 31 April 2015. The presentation provides interesting facts about the platform while also sharing useful tips on digital music distribution and the legal aspects involved in the process.
With over 2 million tracks in its library, Spinlet is one of the most popular mobile music download platforms in Africa. Established in 2006 in Tampere, Finland, the company launched in Nigeria in May 2011 and has since expanded to San Francisco, California and Cape Town, South Africa.
Spinet’s technology allows the consumer to purchase, listen, share and discover new music while offering integration and storage of the user’s music library on their mobile device
The Impact Music Conference was organised by the African Music Development Programme (AMDP).
Download the first presentation here and the 2nd presentation below:
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