Call for scores: Education Through Music Los Angeles Songwriting Contest
Education Through Music Los Angeles (ETM-LA) is calling on composers and songwriters around the world to submit scores for its 2021 Music Unites the World Songwriting Contest.
- The winning piece will be premiered virtually at the Music Unites the World Festival in March 2021. In the photo: Past festival celebrity coach and US bass player Rickey Minor.
The ETM-LA contest seeks to produce an inspiring, high quality and original song, which speaks to the theme of music’s ability to unite the world.
Interested songwriters and composers should submit their scores here. The submission deadline is 1 November.
Songwriters and composers are required to submit a full score, vocal score and recording (MIDI mockup is fine) of an unpublished work for young treble voices on the theme of music uniting the world. The submission fee is $10.
The winning piece and composer will receive the following:
- The winning piece will be premiered by students, alumni, and faculty at the annual Music Unites the World Festival.
- It will be premiered virtually at the Music Unites the World Festival in March 2021.
- The piece will also be sung by approximately 40 to 50 treble and alto singers (grades 4 to 6), accompanied on a piano.
- The winner will be invited to attend the premiere where the winning composer will receive the $1 000 cash prize.
- The composer will meet and work with the choir and director.
- Review of finalists by judges who will select the winner – 7 November.
- Announcement of the winner – 2 December.
- Winner consults with ETM-LA on song and delivers final score to ETM-LA – 15 December.
- Winning song will be premiered by ETM-LA choir at the 2021 Music Unites the World Festival (date TBC) – March 2021.
Rules and regulations
- The winning piece will be performed at the Music Unites the World Festival in March 2021
- Contest fees are non-refundable and are payable online in USD only. Entry materials (scores, MP3s, information) are accepted via the online form only. ETM-LA does not give feedback or critiques to entrants and reserves the right not to award a grand prize.
- Submissions must be original, unpublished works and shall not infringe any copyrights or any other rights of third parties. Songs may have multiple co-writers, but only one name should be designated as the entrant on the entry form.
- All songwriters must be listed on the entry form in the field requesting the names of the songwriters.
- Contest is open to songwriters at all levels. If entrant is under 18 years old, the signature of a parent or guardian is required on the online application.
- The grand prize of $1 000 will be awarded to the first name as it appears on the entry form, and division of prizes among co-authors is the responsibility of winners. W9s will be required before the prize is disbursed. In the event that the winner is a minor under the age of 18, the check will be made out to parents/guardians.
- The grand prize will be presented at the festival and given to the winner(s). In the event that a non-local composer wins, ETM-LA is not responsible for any room, board, or other travel expenses associated with attending the Music Unites the World Festival.
- Entrant retains all ownership rights to submitted song. ETM-LA will not have any ownership rights to any song submitted.
More rules and regulations as well as the original call can be viewed here.
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