Zim govt approves partial reopening of creative sector
The Zimbabwean government has approved the partial reopening of low-risk sectors in the cultural and creative industry (CCI).
National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) director Nicholas Moyo said industry players who sought to reopen under the relaxed measures would have to apply for permission from the council. Low-risk sectors include music recording studios, studio recordings for online publication, exhibitions at galleries and museums, book launches, film production, training centres, arts and culture centres, visual art studios, drive-in cinemas and theatre houses.
“As the sector is celebrating the relaxation of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, which have seen the CCIs dormant for the past six months, NACZ would like to encourage players in the sector to take advantage of the relaxation of the lockdown conditions to go back to their creative spaces and engage in serious production for the sector to recover some of the opportunities lost due to the coronavirus epidemic,” Moyo said.
He urged industry players to prioritise the health of practitioners and consumers of CCI products to avoid the spread of COVID-19.
“In this regard, the NACZ encourages artists to establish and adhere to the set COVID-19 prevention protocols and standard operating procedures at all times as they reopen their creative spaces.”
The procedures cover such aspects as sanitisation at entrance and exit points, temperature checks, wearing of face masks and shield by patrons and staff, registration of all attendees for events, and social distancing. Other areas also covered include audiences of up to100 people per gathering, the advance sale of tickets to control numbers, the sale of alcohol at venues, and regular health checks for staff.
“I would also like to advise members of the general public and patrons of CCIs that COVID-19 is still in our midst. Let’s all play our part to prevent the resurgence of local transmission cases with the reopening of the sector. Reckless and wanton behaviour will not benefit the CCI sector as COVID-19 spreads easily in areas of irresponsibility,” Moyo said.
The partial reopening of the arts sector comes as a huge relief to arts practitioners who have been unable to exhibit and perform since the COVID-19 lockdown was initiated by the government in March.
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