Call for papers: Articles on art practices and cultural policies
The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy (JCMCP) in Germany is calling on researchers and educators in the field of cultural policy to present manuscripts on the topic of Arts Practices and Cultural Policies in Conditions of Disaster.
The journal was originally established as the peer-reviewed Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement and previously Jahrbuch Kulturmanagement. Under the new title, it is reaching beyond the German-speaking discourse to include a wider European and international perspective. It is published twice a year with a thematic section focusing on a special issue and an open section with contributions on varied topics.
The given topic focuses on responses to and long-term changes in the arts and cultural policy fields related to the current climate, health and economic crises. Manuscripts should examine organisational and economic models that allow for continued cultural production and community engagement during times of disaster.
The submission should answer the following questions:
- How can we learn from instantaneous reactions to crises and cases of disaster mismanagement and translate these insights into viable practices?
- What governmental and institutional policies are needed, in the long run, to secure a diverse artistic and cultural landscape?
- How can research methods, education and programming change to accommodate conditions of crises?
- What do policies and practices for a resilient arts and cultural sector look like?
The platform accepts manuscripts in the following areas:
- Leadership and funding models.
- The economic impact of crises and disasters on the cultural sector.
- Hybrid programming (online and on-site).
- Working modes and conditions.
- Sustainable production both in terms of climate responsibility and institutional awareness.
- Risk management and risk policies in the cultural field.
- The resilience of the cultural sector.
Review criteria
The submitted papers will be reviewed by editors based on:
- The conceptual quality of the manuscript.
- The soundness of methodology.
- The precision of objectives.
- The academic importance of the topic.
- The significance of the research approach.
- The relevancy to arts management practices.
- The readability (presentation and stylistic form).
Submission guidelines
All papers will be submitted in two documents.
The first submission should be named ‘Abstract Title-of-the-ms” and must contain the following:
- Title/subtitle
- Author and affiliation
- Abstract (1 000 characters max.)
- Keywords (three to five words) from this list here.
- Name and email of three reviewers that the author suggests. Please send a concise explanation of why they have been suggested.
This second submission should be named ‘Text Title-of-the-ms’ and must include the manuscript (without any author information).
How to submit
All submissions should be emails to
The submission deadline is 1 September.
- All graphics and images have to be sent separately as JPG or TIF files in a resolution of 300 DPI.
- Upon submitting the manuscript, the authors consent to the publication and malpractice statement.
View the original call here.
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